Please Volunteer Your Time to Help Tri-State deliver its Charter to offer Sport Opportunities to the Disabled.
1. Pick an Event 2. Pick a Sport or Task 3. Note, Health Restrictions 4. Pick a Time Slot 5. Give us Your Contact Information (This information will not be shared or sold) 6. Submit Form
You will receive a call or e-mail to discuss your involvement.
Thank you in advance
The Tri-State Board of Directors.
1. Click or type-in the Event you wish to Volunteer for:
Other fill in event or the type of work you would like to volunteer for.
2. Enter a Sport or Task that you would like to volunteer doing.
Any Sport Data Processing Administration
Other fill in Sport/Task after clicking OTHER
3. Health Restrictions:
Click if You Have Restrictions (describe Restriction)
4. Pick a Time Slot
Morning Afternoon Sport Session (Example Swimming may run 9:30AM to 1PM - Available for the total time) Specify Sport/Session
Other fill in time when available.
5. Contact Info:
Name E-mail Telephone Day Evening FAX Enter any additional information in the space provided below: Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.
Enter any additional information in the space provided below: Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.
Enter any additional information in the space provided below:
Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.
6. Submit the Form :
Home | 2016 Adaptive Sports USA Junior Nationals | TRI-STATE Regional | Grand Prix | News | Volunteer | BURKE Games | Beachwheels | Mason Reg. Mt. | CSH_Track & Field | Broad Street Run | Peachtree 10K | Loucks Games | UofI Camps | Trips | Swim Meet Order | HSC Jr Invit.l | Falmouth Road Race | Boilermaker | NJ Race For The Cure | CSH Swim Invit
This site was last updated 12/04/19